Having a group of people going camping having a jolly good time then it possibly going all wrong and seeing what happens
This idea would have quite a lot of problems with it, all the materials needed, where could we camp ? and a few other trivial things
This film idea is called Day Break.
A link to the inspiration but it seems looking back at this it is quite a similar idea to the original, this will have to be changed if we roll with this idea.
Essentially this idea is quite similar to the first idea, but instead of going camping its about a group going to a large city like London, and Disaster happens. The entire video is filmed like the first idea, in first person, through an in scene camera. The group are just testing out the new camera in London for the day, then accidentally catch something they shouldn't on tape; a murder. The full film would feature a creepy and interesting journey, to try and find someone that will help them, the murderer is coming.
This idea has elements of the blair witch project in it but ultimately steers away from horror and the unseen menace. it begins with shots of the woods and the campsite in the morning after the attack has happened and moves on to showing a character"s corpse being dragged through the forest to a location where the other corpses are arranged in a formation around a stump. there is a video camera on the stump. the lengths of some of the shots can be varied.
Idea 4:
The main idea of this was to get away from the idea of Blair Witch, not that it was a bad idea but because i felt we should have a selection of ideas.
At the beginning we have an establishing shot of a group of soldiers running through an area with packedges [main idea was it was a corridor], and one of them drops one of the capsules they were ment to be 'transporting'.
The soldier who dropped his capsule goes to pick up the capsule but the other two don't realises this and run off ahead.
While picking up the capsule the soldier gets attacked by a 'mutant' type creater monster.
We'll have a POV [Point Of View] shot of the creature targeting the soldier so that we can build up the suspense of the situation.
The creature itself doesn't matter so much as to how it attacks, were having the monster being seen for literally only a second in shot. so its sudden and unexpected.
The other two are going to be attacked but not in the same way but with the view of their faces reaction. All in the POV of the creature
The final scene is the capsule rolling away being illuminated by the gun fire.
Written By:
George Marino,
Jace Exton,
Henry Jones,
Sassie Risino
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